You and I can recognize and gauge the true church by this; it is built completely on Christ and the gates of hell are not prevailing against it rather, the true church prevails against the gates.
The first thing most people usually think of when thinking of the “church” is the typical little white building with the pretty little white steeple. Maybe some would associate this picture with something from a child storybook. There are many ideas concerning the Church, some preconceived and some based on reality, good or bad. I would like to bring us a reality check about the church of Jesus Christ, the True Church forged from under the hammer of persecution. The Church is not a building or set of bylaws, it’s not even a particular, exclusive group of people. The True Church can be found, Described from the Words of Jesus in Mathews Gospel Chapter 16 verse 18″ And I also say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon This Rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” You and I can recognize and gauge the true church by this; it’s built completely on Christ and the Gates of hell are not prevailing against it rather, the true church prevails against the gates.
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