We are ordinary people who serve an Extraordinary God and it is our desire to demonstrate the Love of Jesus through His Miracle Working Power! -Pastor Lynn
Christopher Lynn is a Pastor, Church Planter, Evangelist and was ordained by The Assemblies of God in 2020. Christopher, his wife Brooke and their son John currently live in Oklahoma and are the lead Pastors of Hosanna Christian Fellowship. During high school, Christopher traveled and ministered throughout the Southern United States with an Evangelist friend from the Assemblies of God. After Graduating high school, he attended and worked at Rhema Bible Training Center and traveled throughout the U.S. as an Organist for “The Living Faith Crusades”, under the leadership of Pastor Kenneth Hagin, Jr. After graduating from RBTC, The Holy Spirit led Christopher to start a church in the back room of a small coffee shop that he was directed to purchase in Sapulpa, Oklahoma and there he began holding weekly services under the ministry name, “The Full Gospel World Mission”.In the month of January, 2020, after twelve years of planting and building small congregations throughout the state of Oklahoma, Christopher was commissioned by The Lord in an open vision as a “missionary” to the church, to help make sure that the gifts of the spirit and the message of faith is not lost to this generation of pentecostal christians.
When not at their home church, Pastor Christopher and Brooke spend their time demonstrating a life of living in the Spirit through their Television and Social Media Broadcast The Secret Place, Books, regular Crusades and Revival Meetings. “Our greatest desire is to reach as many lives as possible with The Gospel of Jesus Christ!”
Pastor Christopher Lynn came to know Jesus at a very young age and answered the call to Ministry when The Lord Jesus appeared to him at 14 years old. Among the many things spoken to Pastor Lynn from The Lord was a message to The Church concerning an eminent, last day outpouring of Gods Power and a “Raising Up” of the 5 fold Ministries along with a major increase of the Gifts of the Spirit like never before seen in this generation. Pastor Lynn’s burning desire to see every man and women saved, Healed and used in the Gifts of the Spirit has compelled many to come to Christ and seek all that God has made available to them through His Word and their Daily Obedience.
Pastor Lynn Believes that the coming of Jesus is soon and that this is the generation God wants to use to reap the final harvest of Souls before Christ returns. Join us as we run the race God has set before us in this final hour.
Will you Answer the Call?

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