At Christopher Lynn Ministries our number one focus has been and always will be the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations of the earth! "Go ye into all the world" and preach the gospel..." Mark 16:15

Meet some of the ministries we support
Pastors Daniel and Christine

Hi Pastor Christopher Lynn Ministries.
We are so touched in the spirits to watch your program of the true worship in the Secret Place. God bless you so much. We are in Homa Bay, in Kenya, where you are reaching us. Amen
Dear Pastor Christopher Lynn, we so much blessed,encouraged,refreshed and being milked all over with your outreach unto us through your TV. And we are so closer with you in all your programs of outreach unto us. Some of our pastors are watching you with us. And we are taking notes on what ever you are teaching. Is there any possible way you are able to pray for us so that we become one in the Spirt according to Eph 4:2-5. We have one relationship, fellowship and one Body of Christ for your ministry to be a growing ministry in Kenya? We will stand in the gap for the Lord for yours Christopher Lynn under your Leadership and Authority. We are so much called and gifted to do His commission in the name of Jesus Christ and doing churches plantation movement. We are so bless to be able to hearing from your hearted prayer for our sincere burning desire to be all you out here in Kenya.Sincerely yours in Christ.Pastors Daniel and Christine.KENYA.

If you would like to sow specifically into Pastor Daniel and Christine’s Church and Ministry in Kenya, please click the GIVE NOW button at the bottom of the page. *Please make a note of the name of the missionary you would like to support. You may designate the funds in the PayPal giving page. Every designated financial gift will go directly to blessing the intended recipient.
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Sow a financial seed that will bear fruit in you life and someone else for eternity. With your donation, someone across the globe will be reached with the message of hope, and salvation. Take advantage of this opportunity today and become a co-missionary with Christopher Lynn Ministries! In Heaven, someone you may never have met will thank you!
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